Express yourselves

Create public content anonymously through online masks called Personas.

A Persona is a group identity

In Kurate you and your peers remain private but post content publicly as a group identity called a Persona. Each Persona has its own characteristics and culture based on the people posting through it.

A Persona is curated together

When a post is submitted, the community votes on whether or not the post is appropriate for the Persona's character. The result is a curated stream of community-generated content.

A Persona gives privacy

Posting content through a Persona allows your voice to be heard while you remain anonymous. But it's not a free-for-all since the community votes on whether or not each post is in character.

You could be...

Ross As A Free Man

As a free man Ross has many things to do, learn, and teach. His interrupted journey begins again.

Satoshi Nakamoto

I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.

Electronique Magnifique

Basse, Basse, Basse, Basse. Nous aimons les chansons que nous entendons dans notre cœur et ressentons dans nos os.

The Book of Forever You

"You" is a watcher not bound by space or time. Where You goes is up to you. We are choosing an adventure together.

Chess Against The AI

The computer is on the hardest setting. Each Cycle we curate the best move. Together we can beat it again and again.

Those Who Travel

The TWT community curates the best images and stories from travelers all around the world. Our world through your eyes, the full range of it.

The Hardest Questions with Imperfect Answers

Life is filled with tough questions without perfect answers. We pose them here here so we may reflect on them together.

Top 10s

Top 10 lists are fun for everyone! Here are the best top 10 lists: popular, niche, it could be any topic at all.

A Perfect Dinner Party

Is it just you and yours, or a full banquet? What menu and topics do you discuss? It's your perfect dinner party!

Meena Sings A Lullaby

I write lullabies and sing them before bed. They help me sleep, maybe they'll help you too :)

Imagine posting as Satoshi Nakamoto's online Persona. What would you say?

In Kurate a Persona's character is developed by you and your peers, anonymously creating content together.

Post in character

Choose a Persona that speaks to you. Read the posts and think about the type of content that represents the Persona. Once you get a feel for it, submit your own post for peer review.

Curate in character

Every post submitted to a Persona goes through a curation process, where peers vote on whether to promote or demote the post. You vote on your peers' posts too, developing the Persona as a community.

Develop your character

Earn reputation (REP) when your peers vote to promote your posts. You also earn REP by voting on posts in the direction of the community. The higher your REP, the more you are able to do in Kurate.

Learn more about Personas

Anonymity and peer-earned reputation combine to empower people to have authentic discourse, building community trust.

Be empowered

In Kurate your identity is private, so you no longer need to fear professional or personal repercussions for simply expressing yourself. Speak freely and earn reputation when the community agrees that what you have to say is relevant.

Be authentic

Anonymity grants people the freedom to speak honestly—from the heart. This leads to a more authentic public discourse because unlike other social media, community members are not incentivized to self-censor.

Be accountable

You earn reputation when your peers agree that content you post is relevant, and you curate their content as well. This dynamic allows everyone to remain anonymous but also accountable for their actions, building community trust together.

Learn more about private reputation

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